Thursday, 23 May 2013


Thinking-Based Learning presents the theory that skilful thinking is uniquely tied to the disciplinary content being thought about. Thus, thinking-based learning requires “specific and appropriate mental procedures for the kind of thinking engaged in by the thinker” (p. 1). Skilful thinking is a mindful engagement with content; it is an experience with content knowledge as ideas, issues, patterns, questions, rationales, perspectives, structures, functions, theories, etc. The writers define and use the term skilful thinking, not critical thinking, a concept they believe suffers abuse when oversimplified as a set of classroom strategies. Skilful thinking is a mindful engagement with the stuff of necessity for learning the particular content being thought about. The authors define terms and provide chapters with examples from K-12 classrooms, as well as a final chapter detailing the experience of a school principal leading teachers in on-going consideration of thinking, learning, and teaching.

Step in teaching skilful thinking

Taksonomi bloom diaplikasikan semasa mengklasifikasikan peringkat pemikiran bermula daripada peringkat pengetahuan sehingga penilaian :

category knowledge(pengetahuan)
category understanding(kefahaman)
category application(aplikasi)
use information to solve problem,use knoeledge in a new situation
category analysis(analisis)
seperate material into component part(identify,differentiate)
category synthesis(sintesis)
engage to creative thinking to make something new(design/create)
category evaluation(penilaian)
to judge something,to make decision

Langkah-langkah untuk mengaplikasikan TBL dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

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